We have been feeling led in another direction recently by God. It's not the first time we have felt called by God in this decision. But this time we are listening and trying to accept this calling from Him. After much prayer, we have made the decision to move forward in adoption. We have been thinking about this on and off for the last seven years. We just tried to ignore the calling in the past due to finances. When you are called for something great, God doesn't stop calling you. He's there waiting for you to respond to His will. Our children are very excited to add another child to our family and think it is wonderful that we can do that through adoption.
It is amazing watching people around us with their children that they have adopted or listening to others going through the process of their adoptions. It touches my heart to help orphaned children in the world. A lot of you may know that we have been licensed foster parents for the last 2-3 years. We aren't able to adopt here locally because we have six children. We have decided to adopt internationally. We have chose a country that we want to adopt from and we are still checking out different agencies. We do have a favorite agency so far, but we want to check a few more out just to be sure. The country we have decided on is Ethiopia. I have been reading lots of blogs and watching many videos of others experience's going over there to pick up their children. One word, Love. God is love. John 14:18 says, I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.
So, for the next 6 months or so, we are going to continue to pray and
try to cut down our debt as we start this new chapter in our life. We
ask that you pray with us in obeying God's will for His Kingdom.
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