

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

My first blog

I decided I needed a place to let my thoughts out, seeing as to how I am with children all day.  Don't get me wrong I love being at home with my kids all day, it  can just get lonely sometimes with no other adults around.  I'm sure you stay at home moms who don't get out very often know what I mean.

My kids are getting so big, it's happening right before my eyes.  Tyler is 11 1/2 and doing great at homeschool.  He will be going back to public school next year.  Jacob is almost 10 and is getting so tall.  He has already passed Tyler in height.  I think Tyler struggles with that a little bit.  Zachary is about to be 7 in a few days.  He is loving first grade.  His behavior is starting to get so much better since his medicine is working.  Logan is 5 1/2.  He is being homeschooled for kindergarten.  Next year he will go to first grade at public school.  Next year will be crazy, I will only have Mason and Kyndal home.  The 4 older will all be at school.  WOW!  Anyways, Mason is almost 2 1/2.  He's a handful, full of energy and as hard headed as they come.  Kyndal just turned 1!  She is getting so big, so fast.  She is really fast at crawling and starting to take steps without holding on to anything.  It's just a matter of days before she just takes off walking!

Me and Chris are doing great.  I am still doing daycare, I have about 10 kids here daily, that's including my 3 youngest.  Chris just started a new job working at Angies's List.  He loves it, he's doing sales there.  Chris can sell anything, he once sold speakers to a deaf man.  My husband is very talented! 


Laura Gaunnac said...

I enjoyed your first blog post, April!

Beth Brown said...

Goodluck on your blog! I love doing mine although I do admit to going in spurts. Kevin's cousin works at Angie's List as well.

Marlene Hill said...

Great first blog. I am also a stay at home mom, so i know what you mean about lonley. My son is 3 1/2 and goes to head start M-F for 6 hrs . I am due in 6 weeks for our 2nd daughter.

Rachael said...

my favorite part of your blog is the "and counting..." so?

Rebekah Zenn said...

I love the picture of the mom with all those arms!!!! I wish that were the case in real life :-) I love keeping my thoughts in a blog, I think you will too

April said...

Thank you for supporting me with my blog! We don't know how many kids we will end with either through us having them or adoption. I'm just waiting for God to show us what he has for us in the future as far as more children!